Cynthia R. Williams – Featured Author

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Cynthia R. Williams – Author Bio

Cynthia R. Williams was born in 1975 in Dallas, Texas.  From the time she was a young girl, she attended a Christian academy where she was exposed to biblical teaching and was challenged to memorize scripture. This became the foundation she would return to as an adult. When she was twenty-six years old, God made himself known to her and revealed that she was on a dangerous road—a change needed to be made to save her life. At that moment, she answered the call to follow Jesus. What would soon come was a journey of miraculous triumph over circumstances.   She has been studying and researching the Bible since 2001 looking for answers to her past and guidance for her future. During this time, she attended Dallas Christian College and was mentored by writers and speakers in women’s ministry, as well as other ministry leaders in her church community.  In her search for answers, she came to the realization that she needed to share her story and her findings to other women so that they too could find resolution in their own lives just as she did.

The result of her findings led to a dramatic change in her life that brought about so much blessing.  Because of this, Cynthia found it necessary for her not to keep those blessings to herself but to share them with the world.  She now lives with her husband of fourteen years and four sons in Alberta, Canada where they continue to seek God for the next step in their journey.

When The One You Love Doesn’t Love You Anymore: A Journey of Self-Discovery by Cynthia R. Williams


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Read Artisan Book Reviews 5 Star Review for When the One You Love, Doesn’t Love You Anymore by Cynthia R Williams 

From The Back Cover: “When The One You Love Doesn’t Love You Anymore: A Journey of Self-Discovery by Cynthia R. Williams”

What is going on, and how did I get here?!!

Most of us have been there: feeling the regret of choices that we have made that sent us on a path of no return. That path may have led to divorce that plunged you into a life you never expected; or it could have resulted through the choices of others or circumstances for which you had no control.

This book When the One You Love Doesn’t Love You Anymore explores some of the often hard questions about life, marriage and divorce and what it takes to change the very things that are holding you back from living a fulfilling life. No matter what path you find yourself on, there is hope for a change that can enrich your life more than you can ever imagine.

There is a treasure waiting to be discovered. Are you ready for an adventure?


A true story about a young, single mother with the odds stacked against her to ever overcome life’s unbearable circumstances and finding true love, but one day everything changed. She found what she was looking for all her life in a place she never thought.  In this compelling story about Cynthia R. Williams difficult circumstances, she shares what she learned along the way and how her efforts led to finding her true love and what it would take to keep it.  It would be her faith that would set the path for change and lead her into her promised land – a life of blessing. In this book — When The One You Love Doesn’t Love You Anymore: A Journey of Self-Discovery –she explores some of the often hard questions about life, marriage and divorce and what it took to change the very things that held her back from living a fulfilling life. Her message to you is this: No matter what path you find yourself on, there is hope for a change that can enrich your life more than you can ever imagine.

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Purchase “When the One You Love, Doesn’t Love You Anymore by Cynthia R Williams” Today!


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