Published by WestBow Press on January 21, 2019
Genres: Christian Living, Inspirational, Relationships, Self-Help, Women's Nonfiction
Pages: 144
Format: Hardcover, Kindle, Paperback
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When the One You Love, Doesn’t Love You Anymore by Cynthia R Williams
A true story about a young, single mother with the odds stacked against her to ever overcome life’s unbearable circumstances and finding true love, but one day everything changed. She found what she was looking for all her life in a place she never thought. In this compelling story about Cynthia’s difficult circumstances, she shares what she learned along the way and how her efforts led to finding her true love and what it would take to keep it. It would be her faith that would set the path for change and lead her into her promised land – a life of blessing. In this book — When The One You Love Doesn’t Love You Anymore: A Journey of Self-Discovery –she explores some of the often hard questions about life, marriage and divorce and what it took to change the very things that held her back from living a fulfilling life. Her message to you is this: No matter what path you find yourself on, there is hope for a change that can enrich your life more than you can ever imagine.
When the One You Love, Doesn’t Love You Anymore is a truly inspiring Christian book, aimed at single and married women. Cynthia R Williams has created within this book, a road map to marital bliss. You might ask, ‘can that be done?’ The answer is yes, for ‘with God, all things are possible.’
Flowing from her own experiences in life, making this a very authentic read, the author’s desire to help other women is evident. As is her love of, and trust in God. Cynthia R Williams’ desire to help women who are hurting is very touching and sincere. Without a shadow of a doubt, this book could become a valuable tool in decision-making for a lot of women, both single and married.
Addressing our attitude towards God, and other people, is the underlying message, for when we do not conform to the pattern of this world, but are transformed by the renewing of our minds, then, we can move into the promise of God: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”
When the One You Love, Doesn’t Love You Anymore takes the reader through a process of self-discovery, delving deep into truth. Reinforced with a plethora of bible passages this is a Christian based teaching, that if you allow it, will move you not only to a closer relationship with God but with your husband, or prospective husband. A very true saying is, when we fail to plan – we plan to fail. Nowhere is this more evident than in marriages. Cynthia R Williams shows us how we can plan to move into the will of God, not only for ourselves, but in the people that God has ordained for us to touch, primarily our husbands and children, but others too.
I have been inspired to re-think my values and motives, and reminded that faith without deeds (praying, being kind, and believing the Word etc) is meaningless, for the renewing our minds results in the overflow of love – which should move us into making right decisions, resulting in us finding the right relationships. When the One You Love, Doesn’t Love You Anymore: A Journey of Self Discovery by Cynthia R Williams therefore, comes highly recommended and has my gratitude for a refreshing look at marriage. ~ Book reviewed by T N Traynor for Artisan Book Reviews.
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