Healing Hearts: The Journey from Grief to Grace by Valerie Lynn
I am an ordinary woman, who lives an ordinary life, in which something extraordinary happened. My story is one of wrong choices, painful loss, redemption, and a new spiritual awakening to live once again. I have decided to share my story in hopes it will give other women a voice that have endured child loss and found healing in its journey. Lend me your ear and your heart and follow me on the journey of healing hearts one moment at a time
Valerie Lynn has suffered the loss of her child. She has made wrong choices and gone through much pain. She is an everyday woman with a poignant story to tell. She has suffered losses in her life. Her story is one of exponential loss, painful decisions, and ultimately, salvation. Her desire is to give a voice and hope to others who have experienced the loss of a child, a loved one, or any other losses in their life.
In Healing Hearts, Valerie Lynn opens her heart and shares with readers her life story about the loss of her child at birth. She has an important message to give and hopes she will help other women to recover and find healing from their own losses in life. At the time, she was alone, without the baby’s father because he took off. She had eclampsia and they induced labor. Through much pain, she delivered her child, Zora, but only to realize that her precious baby had passed on to be with the Lord.
After that she gave up on herself and her God. She questioned how her loving God could take away her child. She partly blamed herself for past sins and choices. She retreated into the “land of nothingness” where she would go to work and hurry home to hide under the covers of her grief. Food became an addiction. Anything to push down the pain.
She reluctantly and fearfully reaches out to a therapist and the healing began. She felt she could breathe again. Slowly, she begins to draw close to the Lord once more. Day by day she began to find self-discovery and healing. She had made the decision to keep on keeping on and living her life one day at a time. Along the way she makes friends and finds support through them. Along with them pushing her to go forward, and with the help of God’s grace, she journey’s to wholeness.
Valerie Lynn’s story is one of great sadness and recovery and one that is familiar to many. She found hope and healing as she sought it out. She didn’t give up. She refused to remain strapped to a life filled with emptiness and despondency.
Healing Hearts: The Journey from Grief to Grace is an exceptional short read that will help other women to heal from loss. It is written well and is filled with hope and inspiration.
It is a must read book for anyone that has experienced loss of a child or any thing in life.
Author Valerie Lynn makes her book relatable to those going through the grieving process.
It is a wonderful poignant, inspiring read and I highly recommend it.
Thank you Valerie Lynn for opening up your heart and telling your painful story, and to help others heal and grow and live life to the fullest, after loss.