Theo and Sprout: A Journey of Growth by Joseph Gergen

Theo and Sprout: A Journey of Growth by Joseph Gergen
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Alt="theo and sprout"Theo and Sprout: A Journey of Growth
by Joseph Gergen

Sprout says she’s there to help him, to guide him. Theo, an introverted, teenage boy form a large family, is not so sure about that. He’s not sure about much of anything at the moment. You see, Theo is thrown into absolute uncertainty one morning after he has showered for school when Sprout suddenly manifests herself physically in his body.

Is she a dream? A hallucination? That is what Theo grapples with as he not only sees Sprout in the mirror, then validates what he’s seen by looking down at his body, now her body, but also begins a conversation with her about what the hell is going on.

While Theo longs for some guidance through the perils of adolescence, the guidance he knew his family wouldn’t give him, he isn’t prepared for Sprout to present herself and offer it to him. In fact, he doesn’t appear to have a choice since Sprout, sassy and confident about her presence, won’t go away.

Thus begin the adventures of Theo and Sprout. Sprout comes and goes as she pleases, forcing Theo to come to grips with her existence, the fear of being caught, the guidance she offers and the choices she asks him to make. Together Theo and Sprout must navigate the uneasy situations Sprout creates by appearing at inopportune times, whether in school, at church, or at a family gathering.

Sprout just wants Theo to grow. Theo just wants to survive.

Artisan Book Reviews

Theo and Sprout by Joseph Gergen is a remarkable, memorable and agreeably relevant book about a fifteen-year-old boy named Theo, who has a Peter Pan syndrome. He refuses to accept the fact that he must grow up. But with the help of a pushy girl (Spirit? Ghost?), he will eventually have to leave his figurative Neverland, one way or another.

Theo is introverted and shy, hesitant about almost everything. One day, Sprout just shows up out of the blue. The last thing he needs is a girl physically taking over his body and a pair of boobs to go with it, or so he thinks. Theo reasons that he must be losing his mind, but she is definitely real. Sprout keeps on showing up, and at the worst times, too. She gradually shows him how to grow in confidence and get in touch with his feminine side, both literally and figuratively! Theo learns to get out of his comfort zone, stop hiding under bridges like a weirdo, and discovers how to have fun and run through fields, skinny dip, and even kiss strangers.

Written from a very unique perspective, this is a meaningful coming of age novel and it has a brilliant plot element at the end. Readers will not see it coming. Those that hate toxic masculinity will also love this book by Joseph Gergen. One of the main messages in this novel is that being macho doesn’t mean anything, and it is okay to be yourself.

This wistful novel spirited writing and thoughtful content that many introverts will be able to relate to. It is an excellent literary journey of self-growth that anyone can enjoy. Theo and Sprout by Joseph Gergen is recommended to fans of fine literary fiction, coming of age, teen and young adult novels. However, adults will enjoy this wonderful novel, as well. I certainly did. Book reviewed by Michaela Gordoni for Artisan Book Reviews.

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