The Last Children of Montauk by Kit Fernsby – Book Review

The Last Children of Montauk by Kit Fernsby
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Alt="the last children of montauk by kit fernsby"The Last Children of Montauk by Kit Fernsby

Trapped deep in the belly of a top-secret facility, Arvee longs for the world he sees in his extraordinary visions. Trained from childhood to track others like him, his world is sent spinning by the arrival of rebellious and powerful Mia.

Together, they form a plan for freedom aided by gifted others from around the world. When a devastating enemy attack leaves Mia badly injured, Arvee must decide if he should push ahead with the escape or if he’s already too late.

Book review:

For lovers of teen and young adult supernatural mysteriesThe Last Children of Montauk by Kit Fernsby is an unputdownable must-read!  Packed with suspense and tension, this is a metaphysical science fiction book that will have you hooked from the start.

The unusual subject matter is dark, intriguing and mysterious.  Children are abducted for their supernatural powers, be it telekinetic, psychic or something else.  Snatched from their families and all they love, they are forced to live a life in prison conditions, they are isolated and used for their powers.  My heart broke for these children, I wanted a better life for them, I wanted them to escape and cause havoc upon their captures… and that is excellent storytelling.  You are drawn to the children, each unique and endearing.  There isn’t really a main character; rather there are several well-devolved outstanding characters.  However, both Arvee and Kateri shine brightest for me.  Arvee’s story comes from inside the government facility, whereas Kateri’s comes from her fleeing not only the government, but also a religious sect with nefarious intentions.  Not all the adults around them have hardened hearts however; some of them battle continually around the issue of ‘the ends justify the means’ even morally bad ones.  Will anyone aid the children?  Will Kateri evade capture?  Can Arvee save the other children?  Or will Mia get the last children of Montauk to forge an alliance, so they can fight their way out?

The Last Children of Montauk is imaginative and gripping.  A dark thriller that is as disturbing as it is moving, with incredible characters you’re going to want to read more about and an intelligent exhilarating plot. The Last Children of Montauk by Kit Fernsby comes highly recommended by Artisan Book Reviews. Book reviewed by TN Traynor for Artisan Book Reviews.

                                 Buy The Last Children of Montauk by Kit Fernsby today!!
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