A Player’s Path by Titan Frey (Legacy Series) – Book Review

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A Player’s Path: A Story About Life and Football by Titan Frey

Fourteen-year-old football phenom Andy McDonald was supposed to dominate high school football. Yet, just before the school year started, Andy’s family suffered a tragedy. His father, Jerry McDonald, was involved in a car crash on his way home from work… He did not make it.

The doctor in charge of organ transplants, Doctor Yang, wanted to transplant Jerry’s kidneys into two people who needed a kidney. Since Jerry registered himself as an organ donor, this was possible. Before taking Jerry’s kidneys, Doctor Yang wanted to get approval from the family. Andy’s mother wanted her son to make the final decision. Now facing a decision that would confirm the loss of his father (in his mind), Andy would soon find out this decision would not be the biggest of his life…

Book review:

A Player’s Path: A Story about Life and Football by Titan Frey is an entertaining, heart-warming book that explores the topic of organ donation through the inspiring relationship between a father and his son. This is a remarkable well-written, must read book filled with wit and humor, which will touch hearts and bring hope to many.

For as long as Andy McDonald could remember, he had always loved football. He cherished the moments he had spent playing with his father. Now twenty-eight, Andy looks back to the summer when everything changed. One day during this time, Andy was looking forward to playing football with his father who was excited to meet up with his son for a game in the park. Moments passed and his father did not turn up. Driven by fear and panic, Andy’s mother begun to look for him. The news of his death threw Andy and his mother into shock. In addition, they had to make tough decisions regarding Andy’s father’s desire to donate his organs. During the whole process, Andy would learn more about his father, and more than ever, Andy would want to follow in his footsteps.

Through Andy and his mother’s loss, the novel explores the emotions and reactions surrounding death. The story effectively captures the pain and confusion that follows the loss of a loved one. Andy and his mother are plagued by thoughts of suicide while Andy’s mother turns to alcohol to try and numb her pain. Andy is also a likable main character. He is brave and selfless even when still grappling with his father’s death. Andy is inspired by people he meets shortly after his father’s death who, though are suffering from kidney failure, continue to fight for their lives. As days pass, Andy begins to understand his father’s hopes for him.

A Player’s Path: A Story about Life and Football by Titan Frey is inspiring as it discusses complex topics of death, organ donation, and dealing with grief in a realistic, hopeful way. Readers will get a glimpse into the passionate psyche of this extraordinary young man.

Artisan Book Reviews highly recommends A Player’s Path by Titan Frey for a moving and compelling reading experience unlike any other. Book reviewed by Edith Emunah for Artisan Book Reviews.

Purchase A Player’s Path: A Story About Life and Football by Titan Frey  today!
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